The Small Things

“Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it?” -Isaiah 43:18-19

Sometimes, I feel that I get so caught up in the big things that God has done in my life. Not that there is anything wrong with that, because when God blesses, He should most definitely be praised. But, sometimes, I hold on a little too tightly to past “WOWS.” I look backwards rather than forwards. You know, there are those big things… God was so evident even when I felt completely lost and unsure of where I was going. God uplifted me throughout that tragedy and time of hopelessness. When I thought I could go no farther, God carried me the rest of the way. What a great week/weekend of learning and focusing completely on God (camps/retreats). I’m talking about the mountaintop experiences, here. They are the ones we like to cling to, the ones that bring such joy and assurance in Him. Well, what about when we are just going about our everyday lives? I have felt such a challenge lately to acknowledge and seek God in the small things. Don’t get me wrong. There are things from the past that should not be completely disregarded. A lot of our own story can be an encouragement to others, and we can also draw on the times when God has provided to encourage us to remain faithful through other hard times. However, I’m talking about when I’m in the midst of my daily routine. I have recently come off the mountain, and I’m tempted to go into post-mountaintop syndrome (PMTS). I want to feel what I felt THERE (on my God mountain) right NOW! It involves a lot of stomping and whining. Someone call James Dobson. I can be so spoiled! At the end of the day, I want to look back, at not just the big things He did a year ago, but the small things He did today. I take a too much for granted. God is present in every situation. 

So, what is God doing in my life right now?

Well, I made it through my first month of college! Hoorah! (That was my recent mountain… a lot of growing!) Now, I am learning to wait expectantly. He’s right in front of me. I just need to turn around. I am surrounded by some great friends who build me up in Christ and love disney movies just as much as I do! There are many ways to get involved on campus to help feed the flame. I absolutely love the fall weather that’s slowly creeping in! Ayers (my math building – no AC) is not so miserable and neither is the trek to class! I’m a nursing major right now… tough stuff. I’m just trying to not get overwhelmed with life! Striving to remain whole-heartedly surrendered to what God want to do with my plans… future… life… day, I’m just-a waiting! God is alive friends! He deserves more credit for the small things. 

A little laugh for all of you….

So, I’m kind of obsessed with The Desert Song by Hillsong right now…

“This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I’m filled to be empited again
The seed I’ve recieved I will sow”

I love it! Anyway, so I’m walking back from class (lot of people) …jammin’ out to some great music. I trip on the sidewalk. It totally could have been a small unnoticed stumble if MY BACKPACK HADN’T FLOWN OVER MY HEAD! I fall down…down…down. Out of my control. My ankle was rolled, and I really really felt like a Freshman….in High School. It gave plenty of people (including the construction workers in the truck I fell right in front of) a good laugh. I mean, I’m a huge dork, and I make a habit out of falling, so I knew it was coming. 

Haha! Well, I hope all of you are doing well! I’m coming home this weekend, and I can’t wait to see some faces that I have missed!!!!! (Miss Jenn Miss Jenn…you better be home!!!)

4 Responses to “The Small Things”

  1. Jenn Says:

    PLEASE tell me that I’m going to see you this weekend. I cannot BEAR THE THOUGHT of going three more days without seeing your precious face. 🙂

    “Miss Paige! Miss Paige! I overslept this morning because I stayed up talking to my boyfriend all night long through texting. We are SO in love – I met him after school yesterday, and he says the BEST stuff ever. I mean, he says it in the text. I haven’t actually ever seen or talked to him, Miss Paige, but I’m really sure that I know him well. We’ve texted 1,309,487 times in the past twelve hours.”

  2. Jonathan Says:

    Love that song! But you should watch where you’re going Paige! hahaha

  3. kelseylovingood Says:

    Jenn too great. That is too great.

  4. Heather Says:

    I love you Paige, it’s time for another post sweetie!! Miss you crazy and hope you are enjoying college life. I continue to pray for you and that you keep being an inspiration to your peers and your elders like me!! 🙂 LOVE YOU!!!!!

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